Gender Pay Gap Report

Person responsible for our Gender Pay Gap reporting: 

Ms Claire Bayliss, CEO, Kennelpak Ltd, Palmer Drive, Stapleford, Nottingham, NG9 7BW.


Our written statement:

We have to report certain calculations regarding our Gender Pay Gap at the “snapshot date” of 5th April 2023. The figures reported are a true and accurate representation at this date.


What we calculated:

The MEAN hourly rate is the average hourly wage earned across the entire organisation. The mean gender hourly pay gap is a measure of the difference between women’s mean hourly wage and men’s mean hourly wage.


The MEDIAN hourly rate is calculated by ranking all colleagues highest to lowest paid and taking the hourly wage of the person in the middle, so the MEDIAN gender pay gap is the difference between the women’s median hourly wage (the middle-paid women) and men’s median hourly wage (the middle-paid man).


What this tells us:

Women’s MEAN hourly rate in our Organisation is 24.0% lower than men’s. In other words when comparing the mean hourly rates women earn 76.0p for every £1 that men earn.


This is an improvement of 22.8% versus our performance on the snapshot date in 2022. Improvements have taken place in the last 12 months to address this, such as recruiting more female colleagues to the Leadership Team. Work continues to ensure we deliver further improvements.


Women’s MEDIAN hourly rate is 3.6% lower than men. In other words when comparing median hourly rates women earn 96.4p for every £1 men earn. 


This is a decline in performance vs the snapshot date in 2021, where the difference was only 0.5%.


About our Organisation: Percentage of Women and Men employed by quartile:


Top Quartile: Women 62.7% / Men 37.3%
Upper Middle Quartile: Women 83.8% / Men 16.2%
Lower Middle Quartile: Women 87.8% / Men 12.2%
Bottom Quartile: Women 80.0% / Men 20.0%


Our part time, flexible contracts suit the home-life balance of working parents regardless of their gender. 


Bonus Pay Gap:

Our Mean Bonus Pay Gap is 6.1% lower for Women than Men. This is an improvement of over 90% versus the snapshot date in 2022. An improved level of female representation at the mid-manager and senior manager level (where earnings are available) is impacting on our mean bonus pay gap. All colleagues are part of a companywide bonus scheme.   


Our Median Bonus Pay Gap is 28.8% lower for women than men, an improvement of 35.7% vs the snapshot in 2022. For context 62.4% of all colleagues received a bonus. This is an increase of 1.5% vs the 2022 snapshot. Of the 62.4% who were eligible for a bonus 61.1% of all women, and 67.2% of all men received a bonus payment in the financial year up to the snapshot date.